SOC&220 Final Project
Corner of Your Eye
By Japneet Kaur
Many Truths are Hidden in the Corner of our Eyes
And We Choose to Ignore what we cannot See
The World in Front is Shining, New, and Perfect
But You Will Never see anything if you Always look Ahead
Those Left Behind, Still Fighting the Things you will never Encounter
You Will Never face it, but they always will
But why stay and help, when you choose to not See
It is not in front of you, and thus it will stay in the Corner of your Eye
What it Means for Me
Though many may not realize it, the phrase “Ignorance is Bliss” rings especially true in the Feminist Movement. There is an assumption among most men and even many women that the days of needing Feminism are over. That we have the right to vote and are technically equal in the eyes of the law, but these people fail to see the bigger picture. The way sexism shows up in the modern day is usually much more nuanced, hidden in ways that are often missed if you aren’t already aware of them. As for specifical women, those in more privileged categories, specifically cis, white, hetero, and middle-class women, tend to overlook many others who cross other identities in a way that makes their experiences fundamentally different.
Perhaps this is thinking too small, but my Feminist Utopia is simply one where all people are willing to listen and understand the individual struggles people go through. I personally know the experience of having my voice be shut down by both men and women alike just because they don’t want to accept what I’m saying could be right because that would mean having to reflect and realize how subconscious this sexist thinking is. Rather than brushing it off or making general assumptions, people must be willing to see that their mindsets and actions have consequences in the larger world around them, even if they do not realize it.